The Faultless Mission

Faultless is dedicated to protecting the youth in our communities through age-appropriate prevention education in our public schools, youth and faith-based organizations, fun youth awareness events and social media outreach that focuses on the importance of talking and being educated about body safety, digital safety, all forms of abuse (physical, verbal and sexual), dating violence, grooming, consent, sex trafficking,  how to be an upstander, resources and support for survivors.

What We Do

Faultless strives to open up the conversation and educate our youths about:

  • Body Safety
  • Digital Safety
  • All forms of abuse (verbal, sexual, physical)
  • Dating Violence
  • Grooming
  • Consent
  • How to be an Upstander
  • Resources and support for Survivors

Faultless informs young people of the signs of abuse, how to protect themselves from predators, and where to turn for help. In addition to raising awareness, Faultless also works to change the culture that perpetuates silence and shame around these issues.

Through our work, Faultless is empowering a generation of young people to speak up and demand change.

Foster Change, Acceptance, & Understanding

At Faultless, we are committed to protecting our communities with proactive, age-appropriate prevention education on critical issues like sexual assault, body safety and digital safety, grooming, and more. Our goal is to create social change with this essential education for our youth. We want to not only educate, but also support survivors through our resources and help them understand the importance of healing. This is why we created a series of programs to help foster change, acceptance, and understanding.

Follow Us On Social

🐍🐍🐍 Let’s do something! 🐍🐍🐍
Speak 🗣️ up, be an 🆙 stander, not a bystander!! #sexualassaultawareness #awareness #raiseawareness #yearofsnake #makechange #stopshaming #womensupportingwomen #mensupportingwomen #medusa #faultlessinc #believesurvivors

Online interactions of kids should be highly monitored! One in seven children is contacted online by someone with sexual intentions. While it can be easy to see the internet as a simple place for inspiration and laughs, there is a dangerous side. Safety always should come first. ...💻👁️👁️

#safety #awareness #onlinesafety #faultless #nonprofit #sexualassaultawareness

When we think about our kids, we know we want them to be safe. The easiest way to teach them how? Show them. Faultless volunteers have been working to get some sexual assault education into schools, and we make sure it is age appropriate and safe.

#safety #teachthem #teaching #faultless ...#nonprofit #assaultawareness #sexualassaultawareness #awareness #teachingkids

Bring your used books to curiouser book donations and put them under faultless to help out! All funds from these books go to help faultless with our youth events, education, events, and help us get out into the community. We appreciate all your help!

¡Lleve sus libros usados ​​a ...donaciones de libros más curiouser y déjelos impecables para ayudar! Todos los fondos de estos libros se destinan a ayudarnos impecablemente con nuestros eventos juveniles, educación, eventos y a ayudarnos a salir a la comunidad. ¡Apreciamos toda su ayuda!

#books #helpout #donatae #assaultawareness #nonprofit #faultless #sexualassaultawareness

Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner. Remember to keep an eye on your friends, and be a safe space for people to come to.

Las mujeres de entre 18 y 24 años suelen sufrir abusos por parte de su pareja íntima. Recuerde vigilar a sus amigos y ser ...un espacio seguro al que pueda acudir la gente.

#assaultawareness #nonprofit #sexualassaultawareness #helpout #helpfriends #abuseawareness #faultless

👜Drop off a lightly used, clean purse 👜
We will fill them with essentials to take to all SANE locations at hospitals & advocacy centers in the 7th judicial counties!! Support a survivor today! 🩵📍@mauveonmain
📆- Jan 16th through Feb1st
We need a 💯 and only have ...35!! #sexualassaultawareness #pursewithpurpose #nonprofit #faultlessinc #medusa #raiseawareness #raiseawareness #7thjudicialdistrict #westslopebestslope #believesurvivors #supportsurvivors #supportsmallbusiness #thingstodoinmontrose

The Law

Did you know that Colorado statutes give a 10 year exception for 15 and 16 year old in statuary rape?

What this means is that it is legal for a 15/16 year old child to consensually be with a 24/25 year old adult and statutory rape laws do not apply.

However, the age of consent is 17.

How can a child possibly give consent to an adult? Colorado: We can do better for our children!

It is TIME for a CHANGE.

Not only do we need more education and prevention, but we need a new law.

Faultless is actively working with Senator Cleve Simpson to change Colorado’s 10 Year Exception Statute for 15/16 year olds.

At this time we are actively working with Senator Cleve Simpson and CO Deputy Attorney General Kurtis Morrison  on rewriting the statute and are hoping to get a revised statute passed that protects our children moving forward.

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