Don’t Suffer in Silence

YOU ARE NOT AT FAULT! We believe no one should suffer in silence alone. There are so many resources available from local hands-on support to anonymous support lines to help you through your time of need.


# 970-252-2600

At Montrose Regional Health, it is our hope that support and resources are available for all survivors of sexual assault. We work to support survivors in our communities through Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) evaluations – available 24/7.

A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner is a registered nurse who completed additional education and training to provide comprehensive health care to survivors of sexual assault. In offering comprehensive care, the role of a SANE nurse includes evaluating and treating patients, being mindful of both the acute and long-term consequences of sexual violence victimization.


Latimer House

# 877-543-9520

Providing intimate partner violence and sexual assault services for anyone in Western Colorado including Mesa, Montrose, Delta and Ouray Counties. We offer emergency safe houses, advocacy, and 24 hour crisis lines.


Dolphin House

# 970-240-8655

The Dolphin House is a child-friendly facility whose purpose is to provide child victims a safe, non-threatening place to tell what happened to them during necessary investigations of child abuse. Dolphin House staff offer crisis intervention and ongoing supportive services that help child victims and non-offending family members begin their healing process.


RAINN:National Sexual Assault Hotline

Montrose Police Department

Montrose County Sheriff

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